Thursday 3 March 2011


She filled his ear with her moan. Those noises she made sounded like the most erotic music. They pushed him over the edge. It came from his toes to the tip of his hair. His whole body clenched and tightened and gushed in one bodily orgasm.
Kathy ran her fingers through his hair. “I like it best of all like that.”
“No bells and whistles?”
“Craziness is fun, but looking at you while you’re inside me, watching you and feeling you on top of me— That is the best.”
“That’s nice to know.”
She yawned suddenly. “Oh! I could fall sleep.”
“Nope. You get in the shower first.”
“Oh, a nap. I want a nap.”
“We have to pick the kids up.”
She snorted and he smiled into her hair. “You’ll have to get off me first.”
He lifted his body so she could shimmy out from beneath him, then collapsed back onto the bed. He heard her turn the AC on and pad to the shower.
Sleep called him as he listened to the water in the bathroom, the steady rushing sound lulling him. But with a groan, he brushed it off and hoisted himself off the bed. Once standing, thirst became a more pressing issue, so he made his way down to the fridge, where he poured two glasses of Coke with ice. By the time he got back, she stood in the closet picking out a summer dress.
“Here you go.” He handed her a frosty glass.
She accepted the drink with her free hand and smiled. “Thanks, I need some caffeine and sugar to get me going.”

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