Thursday 3 March 2011


Always the good girl, she played it safe. “You’re bad, now stop before you make me mess up again.” She took a fine comb and with a few passes blended in the hole a bit, but
it still showed if you looked close enough. She caught a peek at herself in the mirror, her nipples plainly showed through the shirt.
She swung the chair around so he faced her, and started to take a bit more off the front to even it all out after the mistake. Leaning over to trim his bangs she saw his pupils dilate as he eyed her breasts. She shivered again, and tried to concentrate on what she was doing. The tension he radiated made her senses bristle.
Finally Kathy clicked the buzzer off and reached over to put it down—and felt his moist hot mouth fasten around her nipple. Zings of tension made her thighs clench. The silk of the cami and the lace of her demi-bra weren’t much of a barrier. Her breath hitched in her throat as she stifled a moan.
She pulled back, out of reach of his mouth. Even though the air was hot, it chilled the wetness of her shirt and made her nipple peak harder.
“I think you’d better leave.” Her voice sounded raspy to her own ears.
“I don’t think you want me to. I think you liked that.” He leaned forward and grabbed her hips, pulling her closer. “Your eyes tell me you did.”
“That doesn’t mean anything. Go. Now.”
“What if I want to stay?”
“Get the hell out.” She stepped back and put her hands on her hips.
“I’ll leave if you let me kiss you for one minute.”
“You are not amusing. If you're still here when I count to five I’m going to call the cops.”

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