Friday 4 March 2011

Only Death Can Keep Her 3

As I moved to stand behind her, she muttered, “Do not grope me.”
I wouldn't dream of it,” I murmured back.
My hands went out and I had to stop to think for a minute. Having never frisked anyone, I really didn't know how to go about it. The only model I had was T.V. so I copied what I'd seen there.
I started going down her sides to her trim waist. Then I moved to her arms, sliding my hands from her shoulders down. I went to my knees, hands patting from her inner thigh down on both legs. My fingers dipped into the pockets of her jeans, finding only a wallet and month bus pass. In the interest of be honest with the pigs, I set them on the ground between her feet.
Last I sent my hands into the softer than silk strands of her hair, more for good measure than because I thought I would find anything there.
There you have it,” I said to the angry cops, “I checked her and she has nothing on her but a worn out wallet. Maybe you are mistaking her for someone else who did take something.”
I could see the main deputy's mind working. He had nothing on her but still he was grasping for something to charge her on. It wasn't about duty at this point. It had become almost personal. I tilted my head, considering that. Maybe it was all the way personal. If she had, say, had sex with a bigot's son, I could imagine that man coming after her with everything he could.
Finally he spoke. “She resisted arrest.”
Anyone would have run from four large, gun-wielding men.” I replied. “That makes her smart, not guilty.”
The deputy narrowed his eyes, looking at the girl. “You watch yourself.”
When his gaze hit me, I realized that warning was for both of us. I held it; let him see that I wasn't afraid of him. He and his flunkies were just a bunch of bullies. I may not have been in formal martial arts training for a few years, but I still remembered most of what I'd learned and practiced forms nearly every day. No, these guys didn't scare me.
The deputies, following the leader, turned and walked back the way they had come. I watched feeling like something was alive in me; it crackled down my spine and made my hands tingle.
I turned to the girl. She watched me like she's never seen a guy before in her life.
Uh...” I started, “are you okay?”
You're Folk.” She stated. “But I don't know what kind.”
I took off my hat. No horns; good. My sunglasses came next. “I'm a half demon.”

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