Thursday, 17 March 2011

Time Line

    William Shakespeare  1564 - 1616Shakespeare

      Time Line
        1564        Born Stratford-upon-Avon, baptized (April 26), 
                        eldest son of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden.
        1568        John Shakespeare becomes bailiff of Stratford.
        1582        Marries Anne Hathaway of Shottery.
        1583        Baptism (May 26) of first daughter, Susanna
        1585        Baptism (February 2) of twins, 
                        son and daughter, Hamnet and Judith.
        1590-2    First performances of the historical 
                        trilogy Henry VI.
        1596        Son Hamnet dies (August 11), aged eleven.
        1597        Bought New Place, the second largest house in Stratford.
        1598        First publication of the quarto of 
                        Love's Labour's Lost.
        1599        Globe Theatre opens.
        1601        Father, John, dies. 
                        Performance of Richard II at the Globe.
        1603        Queen Elizabeth I dies. 
                        The Lord Chamberlain's Men 
                        becomes The King's Men.
        1607        Daughter, Susanna, marries (June 5) 
                        John Hall, a well known doctor in Stratford.
        1608        One of the founders of the Blackfriars Theatre. 
                        Mother, Mary, dies. 
        1610        Presumed year of return to live in Stratford, from London.
        1612        Testifies in the Belott-Mountjoy suit. 
                        The earliest surviving example of Shakespeare's 
                        signature is at the end of his deposition.
        1613        The Globe burns down.
        1616        Daughter, Judith marries (February 10) Thomas Quiney. 
                        Shakespeare signs (March 25) his will. 
                        Dies (April 23). Buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford.
        1623        Death of Shakespeare's widow, Anne. 
                        Publication of the First Folio by Robert Heminge and Henry Condell. 

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