Thursday 3 March 2011


She looked at him across the hood of the truck. They were a miracle. Six months ago their marriage looked like it was over, but the anger that festered in her told her it wasn’t. She loved him, she just couldn’t live with him. It seemed to have gone from a small argument to her flipping through the yellow pages for lawyers.
But he'd taken the initiative after she went to the counselor and built the bridge to her heart. He went out of his way to relearn her, complimenting her, and eventually getting her into bed, where he reignited her fire. Of course it sounded easy, but they’d worked hard at it.
She smiled at him. “I’ll race you to the bed!” She took off at a dash.
“First one there gets tied!” He yelled back.
“I want to tie you!” She threw open the door and raced down the hall. His heavy footfalls came slow behind her.
“You weren’t even racing!” she said as she stood at the bedroom door.
“You tied me last night. Today is your day.”
“Oh.” She dug her toe into the carpet. “I…I don’t know if I’m ready yet.” She peeked up to see the smile on his face falter.
Disappointing him made her feel like she couldn’t be trusted to make the effort after all of his diligence in repairing their marriage. Could she trust him? How could she not?
His hands hung at his sides; the silence became thick. Three small steps closed the distance between them and she placed her palm on his chest. “I trust you,” she whispered.
“I don’t trust myself.”
“Why do you have to trust yourself?” His breath blew hot over her ear, sending prickles down her arms.

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