Friday 4 March 2011

Only Death Can Keep Her 1

Your hat and glasses are in the trunk. I'll fetch them for you when I stop.”
I nodded. “Thanks.”
I could tell that we were getting close. Three more turns before we were to the campus and after that it was a quick shot to the crypobiology lab in the Natural Sciences building.
Before too long, we were pulling into the spot marked “reserved for Doctor Ross,” and mum was rummaging in the trunk. I kept my eyes out the window, noticing that most of the students were very carefully avoiding looking at the small teacher parking lot where we resided.
Mum tapped on my window with the edge of dark sunglasses. I opened the door, grateful to have something to cover myself with. The hat was a pale gray fedora and sunglasses were dark enough that no one would see my eyes.
Sweetheart, are you coming inside?” Mum asked.
I stood with a stretch. “No. I'm going to just wonder around out here. Clear my head.”
She pulled me down for a kiss on the cheek. “I'm on my cell if you need me.”
I nodded and she disappeared up the stairs to the building. A part of me was happy to be alone again. My mother had the bizarre ability to make me feel like I was 10. Maybe the time had come that I move out on my own; go back to San Francisco. Not that my choices had been particularly good there, either.
The midday sun sat heavy on my shoulders. If I didn't find some shade or sunscreen, I was going to have a nasty burn.
Across the street was an LDS temple and what looked like a park with thick, dense trees. I started toward the park, hoping to avoid the Mormons. I could stand ignorant hicks, but I probably wouldn't survive an exorcism if a group jumped me. Even in full demon mode, their Bibles and holy water wouldn't hurt past a mild rash, but that didn't mean they wouldn't potentially kill me with more human methods.
Luck would have it that the only people at the temple were there to clean. I gave a small wave to the older cleaning lady and continued deep into the trees. The shade cooled my skin, even if the day was unbearably still humid.
Damn it,” I muttered to myself, realizing that I should have brought a book. I was right across the street from a university. Hypothetically, I could borrow one. But that would mean that I had to go back into the sun. I slumped against a tree, trying to collect myself before deciding what I was going to do.
A scream caught my attention and I turned to look for its owner. What I saw was a petite girl running, jumping, darting through the trees followed by four sheriff’s deputies. The girl was running at me with breakneck speed. However, I don't think she's noticed that she and the men now had witnesses. She kept her eyes on the men behind her, missing the root of the tall tree I stood next to. Her foot caught and I reached out, snatching her from the air before she could fall.
She let out another scream, twisting away from me, but I held on tighter. She was so light in my arms I probably could have carried her with one hand.

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